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MET Farm

MET Group's Green Division, in the framework of its social responsibility programme, supports activities for kindergartners, in cooperation with the Heroes of Responsible Dining Foundation.

Kindergartners are introduced to important sustainability topics such as conscious shopping and eating, waste selection and reduction, and composting, all these in a playful way.

A playful and interactive session
For all children, knowledge acquired through involvement and participation is more lasting, so the session is based on dialogue and active play.

Raising awareness on the importance of sustainable  shopping and dining

During the session, children will learn why it is important where the food we eat comes from, why it is good to take home little packaging and to buy fruit from the market rather than the supermarket.
They can also learn about waste selection and the process of composting as well as the importance of waste reduction.

Shaping attitudes - experience for the whole family
The sessions are held in the kindergarten, but the knowledge gained there is usually taken home by the children, so they are the ones who shape the parents' attitudes. Families will be helped with tips available on the Heroes of Responsible Dining Foundation’s Facebook group.